Monday, September 29, 2008
Don't quote me on this, but ...
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Busy day — Lance Armstrong; WS-PACE legal action
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Oh, what a night
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Council approves new sheriff contract
Patterson City Council voted 5-0 to keep contracting Stanislaus County Sheriff's Department to provide local law enforcement for the next five years.
The council voted 4-1 to charge new mobile food vendors, like taco trucks, an additional $750 if they want to vend from a fixed location.
The council once again decided to delay any decisions on the San Joaquin Valley Blueprint, a proposal councilors fear will strip local jurisdictions of their power. They'll be reviewing it again in October.
That's just a taste of some of the the activities at Tuesday's meeting. More to follow...
Friday, September 12, 2008
Diablo Grande sale, settlement approved
Diablo Grande update
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Is today the day for Diablo Grande?
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
‘Head west,’ says GPAC
The development of land in the Del Puerto Canyon had been one of the more hotly debated topics as the committee got the ball rolling on revisions to Patterson’s general plan.
The committee has one more meeting scheduled, Oct. 6, before turning the plan over to Patterson Planning Commission and ultimately Patterson City Council, which has the final say when it comes to the plan. So, there will likely be significant changes and plenty of time to let your voice be heard before the plan is finalized.
When complete, the plan will establish what type of local development, if any, should occur and where.
The committee is recommending hundreds of acres along the hills of Del Puerto Canyon be designated for mixed use. Exactly what mixed use will be hasn’t been defined. One of the area’s major landowners, Jeff Arambel, has talked about putting residential and commercial development in the hills.
Property owner and developer influence over GPAC has also been an issue raised during GPAC proceedings. Several large landowners sit on the committee and its chairman, John Ramos, has been instrumental in several large developments in Patterson.
Planning commissioner and candidate for mayor, Luis Molina, in a recent interview went as far as to say Ramos shouldn’t be chairing the committee because of his development background, and cast doubt on the entire general plan process.
Look for expanded coverage in Saturday’s paper.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Diablo Grande full story posted online
Diablo Grande update III
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Diablo Grande update II
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Diablo Grande update
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Diablo Grande should be sold today
Friday, September 5, 2008
Raw video from Canyon crime scene
I did shoot some video at the scene. There's not a whole lot to see in the video that you couldn't already see in the photos below, but you can get a little more perspective on how deep the ravine is:
Photos from Canyon crime scene
There wasn't much media access granted at the scene, but I was able to get a few shots on my cell phone. Here they are:
Thursday, September 4, 2008
City Council rundown, Sept. 2
Company accused of losing track of $8.3 million in city funds settles suit
The council settled its suit with Precision Inspection, Mayor Becky Campo said Tuesday. The city had been withholding close to a million dollars Precision felt it was owed. The city gave Precision $560,000, Campo said.
Precision had been contracted to run many aspects of the city’s building department until 2004. Around that time, the city discovered a Precision employee had been improperly handling city funds to the tune of more than $8.3 million dollars.
The employee had been hiding checks and cash in her office and home as opposed to making deposits. Following the settlement, the city is out $65,000 total because of the mess, said City Attorney George Logan.
Council fears blueprint will give too much power to state
Organizers of the San Joaquin Valley Blue Print Process said the plan will provide the framework for long-term growth in the Central Valley. Patterson City Council feared it will rob local autonomy and give excessive power to the state.
At Tuesday’s council meeting, two of the men organizing the Stanislaus County portion of the plan asked the council to support their model for growth. Council members took the opportunity to air their worries.
“Local control and decision making may be slipping away,” said Councilwoman Annette Smith.
The council put off making any decision and requested city staff study the blue print and present a report at the September 16 meeting.
When the city tightens belt, apricots get squeezed
Organizers with Patterson’s Apricot Fiesta got shot down in their request for $5,000 from the council Tuesday.
Councilors said a tight budget stopped them from providing $5,000 to help promote Patterson's largest party. Cleve Morris, Patterson’s city manager, said the city is still committed to helping with the Fiesta, but diminishing income and increased expense limit what the city will be able to do this year.
The council decided to organize a meeting between city staff and fiesta board members to start sorting out exactly how the city will participate in this year’s Fiesta.
Commissions expand
The council voted 4-0 to expand three of its advisory committees even though staff said it would put additional burdens on city resources. The council decided to expand the beautification committee, the economic strategic committee and senior center board from five members each to seven members each. The move went against the recommendation of Morris and Adrienne Chaney, Patterson’s director of parks and recreation.
Scavenging recycling to be illegal
The council got the ball rolling on making it illegal to go through other people’s recycling bins. As of now, there’s no rule on the book preventing someone from taking bottles and cans out of bins once a resident wheels it to the curb. The council decided to change that with a 4-0 vote Tuesday. The new law has several more bureaucratic hurdles, but in all likely hood will be on the books in the coming months.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Patterson teens arrested for Newman muggings
Newman police released some interesting information today about muggings Sunday night and Monday morning. The press releases came too late for us to get anything in Wednesday's paper so be sure to check the story out on the website.
Right now, it isn’t clear which gang police believe the muggers are associated with. Patterson’s gang detective won’t be around until tomorrow, and the other sources I talked to in Patterson Police Service weren’t 100 percent certain. Some of the confusion is because police believe the Patterson gang the Runners might have splintered or reorganized. I’ll keep updating the website as I get more information.